James Gray "Jim" Walker

Ich suche ständig neue, interessante Auftragsarbeit. Meistens mache ich technische Arbeiten mit Handels–, Positionierungs– und Risikomanagementsystemen bei Großbanken. Mein Spezialgebiet ist ein System namens Front Arena. Bitte werfen Sie einen Blick auf mein Profil bei gulp.de. Alle Arbeit läuft über meine Einmann–Firma, Walker Informatics GmbH.

I am continually on the lookout for interesting contracting work. Mostly I perform technical work on trading–, positioning– and risk management systems for large banks. My speciality is a system named Front Arena. Please have a look at the resume of my work to date. There is now also an English version of my gulp.de–profile. All work is done under the ægis of my sole–proprietorship, Walker Informatics GmbH.

Contact information:

James Gray Walker
Im Suderfelde 22
D – 21385 Amelinghausen

Mobile: +49 (176) 45 50 14 01
E–Mail: walkerj@walkerj.de

The old junk that used to be here has been moved down a level to here. It includes:
  • GAWKDLL – GNU AWK as a DLL (v2.0)
  • ITSEDIPP – The "IT Solutions" EDI Pseudo Printer (v2.0)
  • ITSCTRL – The "IT Solutions" Control DLL (v2.0)
  • ITSPMDDE – "IT Solutions" Pegasus Mail Send Mail Extension (v2.2)
  • Vaporware: ITSXFML – "IT Solutions" Transform Mail
  • MBA Thesis for Imperial College 92–93

  • Lex injusta non obligat.
    Last Update: 2024–08–02